February began with a chill and concluded with a burst of sunshine!
This month was jam-packed with opportunities to learn and share information. And, as always, we'd like to share the excitement with you.
Released New and Improved Docs!
The new NativeBase Docs is beautiful, organised, and easier to navigate.
That’s because we nurtured it, watered it, and groomed it to be the best!
And guess, what more we did? We rebuilt it using NativeBase!
Check it out yourself here!
We even hosted a Twitter Space on the various challenges and findings we got:
Made With NativeBase is Live! A Platform to bring your masterpiece into the spotlight. ✨
You can now showcase your work at madewithnativebase.com. It is a platform to give your website, mobile apps, themes, etc that are created using NativeBase, the audience it deserves.
Also, don’t forget to follow https://twitter.com/madewithNB for all the new magic that’s being created every day!
Building a template engine from scratch with Vipul Bhardwaj!
Our very own, Vipul Bhardwaj presented a talk at one of the biggest tech conferences, Frontend Love - JSWORLD Conference Online on 9th February. He shared his ideas and experience around building a template engine from scratch.
Watch the session to know more.
Hall of Fame 🏆
Clone Experiment #3: Accessible Taxi Booking app for web and mobile
Our third article in the clone experiment series is out.
In this episode of cloning with NativeBase, we dabbled with recreating the Uber cab app. The result astonished us all.
Here’s where you can find out about our hardships and resolves.
How to add animations to your NativeBase App?
Yes, you read it right. Adding animations on NativeBase App is possible and also easy. Wait no longer and dig into this tutorial to know-how.
The only React and React Native Template you’ll ever need
Well, the title explains it all.
Building a web or mobile app from the ground up is difficult. We're working to eliminate the need for you to rebuild generic screens and components for each project.
Find all the answers to our questions in this solution here.
The RoadMap to NativeBase Updates! 🛣
We have a vision and we are on a journey to cover all the milestones that we have laid out on our roadmap.
Here’s the in-depth presentation of "What's coming new in NativeBase".
The New in NativeBase (v3.3.6)🛠
Last month was all about a lot of improvements, additions, and fixes.
- Fixed SectionList typing improvement
- Fixed Select, Modal, ActionSheet performance due to Overlay fixes
- Fixed Resolution of Input fontFamily
- Fixed IconButton _disabled state prop
- Fixed Stack spacing issue with Fragment
- Fixed Require cyclic
- Added new pseudo prop _radio to RadioGroup 3a3ac9e
- Added new pseudo prop _checkbox to CheckboxGroup 3a3ac9e
- Added controlled props isHovered, isDisabled, isFocused, isPressed and isFocusVisible to Interactive components PR
Here's the complete release notes:
Design Revolutions! 🧬
Recently, we began exploring colours by utilising Advanced Perceptual Contrast Algorithm (APCA) to compute contrast based on spatial characteristics, lightness, and darkness.
Take a look at this detailed thread:
Get Started with us!
Till next time then. Ciao! 👋