Custom Fonts with NativeBase
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August 19, 2022 10 minute read

Custom Fonts with NativeBase
Rohit Singh
Software Engineer
NativeBase helps you build consistent UI across android, iOS, and web. It is an accessible, utility-first component library. For the past 6 years, we have been building and maintaining it. During that time, many issues have come and gone. But customizing fonts for an app or website has always been a challenge for developers.
This article is a guide to help you add beautiful custom fonts in NativeBase that suits your project.

Initial Steps

Before getting started, you need to first load your font into the project. We will majorly focus on three project setups — React Native, Expo, and NextJS.

For React Native

If you want to set up a new project
Plain JavaScript
npx react-native init MyApp --template @native-base/react-native-template
With TypeScript
npx react-native init MyApp --template @native-base/react-native-template-typescript
If you want to use an existing project
To set up a basic React Native app, use the steps given here. Ignore this step if already completed.
# Create a new React Native app with react-native cli
npx react-native init AwesomeProject
Follow the instructions given in this LINK to set up NativeBase in your new project.
⚠️ Test if everything is the setup is proper by running your dev script.
Once the set-up is complete, you can add the fonts to your project. Here is how to do it:
  • Get the font file needed for your project
  • Create a configuration file react-native.config.js in the root project directory  and add the code below:
    • module.exports = {
        project: {
          ios: {},
          android: {},
        assets: ['./App/assets/fonts'],
  • Link the font assets
    • yarn react-native link
      npx react-native link  
      Note: Make sure to link the font assets every time you add a new font to the project.
  • Extend NativeBase theme object by following the step given in the end.

For Expo

If you want to set up a new project
Plain JavaScript
expo init my-app --template @native-base/expo-template
With TypeScript
expo init my-app --template @native-base/expo-template-typescript
If you want to use an existing project
To set up a basic Expo app, use the instructions given in this link. Ignore this step if already completed.
# Create a new Expo app with expo cli
expo init AwesomeProject
Follow the steps given here to set up NativeBase in your new project. Test everything is running okay by running yarn start.
To set up the custom fonts follow the steps provided in the official docs of Expo here.
Here’s a blog explaining how to customize NativeBase to incorporate new themes.

For Next.js

If you want to setup a new project
Plain Javascript
yarn create next-app -e
With Typescript
yarn create next-app -e
If you want to use an existing project
Setup a basic Next.js app.
npx create-next-app@latest
# or
yarn create next-app
Set up NativeBase in your project by following the steps given here. Test everything is running okay by running yarn start.

Adding Fonts to your project

To add a web font to your Next.js application, add the font to a Custom Document
You can add custom fonts to your Next.js project in three different ways:
  1. Using Next Head component with CDN
  1. Downloading font locally and adding it to assets of your project
  1. Using CSS import
For more details of your preferred method, please follow this guide : .

Extending NativeBase theme object

Now, all that is left, is to map font property to font file and family in NativeBase.
To do this, you need to extend the NativeBase theme object and override fontConfig and font properties. This will define the mappings to something like this:
import { NativeBaseProvider, extendTheme } from 'native-base';

const theme = extendTheme({
  fontConfig: {
    Roboto: {
      100: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Light',
        italic: 'Roboto-LightItalic',
      200: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Light',
        italic: 'Roboto-LightItalic',
      300: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Light',
        italic: 'Roboto-LightItalic',
      400: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Regular',
        italic: 'Roboto-Italic',
      500: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Medium',
      600: {
        normal: 'Roboto-Medium',
        italic: 'Roboto-MediumItalic',
      // Add more variants
      //   700: {
      //     normal: 'Roboto-Bold',
      //   },
      //   800: {
      //     normal: 'Roboto-Bold',
      //     italic: 'Roboto-BoldItalic',
      //   },
      //   900: {
      //     normal: 'Roboto-Bold',
      //     italic: 'Roboto-BoldItalic',
      //   },

  // Make sure values below matches any of the keys in `fontConfig`
  fonts: {
    heading: 'Roboto',
    body: 'Roboto',
    mono: 'Roboto',
		customFont: 'Roboto',

export default function App() {
  return (
    <NativeBaseProvider theme={theme}>
      <Text fontFamily="body" fontWeight="600" fontStyle="italic" />
That’s all 🥂
Now you can use your custom font like this :
<Text fontFamily="body" fontWeight="600" fontStyle="italic" />
Till next time them. Ciao!